Monday, August 29, 2011

how we met

I've realized that I would have liked to have a blog of our dating experience but it's never too late right? How we met....

I got back from my mission in December and slowly started looking for work. I couldn't find a job that excited me. I finally found a job working at the Sister Missionary Mall. I got hired in March. Patrick got a job working for the Missionary Mall (across the parking lot) at the end of March. With his job he was required to come to the Sister's store and work in the back room doing shipping. During my lunch break I would go back to the back room to eat and I would casually get to know Patrick. I was dating someone at the time so we were just friends. I remember a specific time when I was telling Patrick about how I got my British boyfriend some English chocolate and how I had traveled far to get it and my boyfriend didn't appreciate it. Patrick said, "Well, I would appreciate it..."

After I had broken up with my boyfriend we had a combined work meeting with the "Elders" store. After the meeting I was walking out to my car and there was Patrick. With his guitar in his hands, he wrote me a song on the spot. In the chorus he asked me out on a date. I said, "Well...okay." We fell in love.